Maid of Honor

DeOnna is the friend we all pray for! She’s been there for me through every major moment of my life, from less than one year old to now. She's my best friend, and very few people know me the way she does. Our modes go from turning up to clowning to napping (which I do occasionally now only because of her influence in my life), always with a side of churchy.


Fiyin is the oldest of our cousin clan on my mom's side. I've known her my whole life, as a sister/mother (she's always had the instinct!). She is the glue that holds the cousins together. She encourages us, picks us up when we are down. She is a confidant, prayer partner, and overall enjoyment queen!


Ope is my first cousin, but also sister and bestie. We've been inseparable since childhood, and dubbed ourselves the "cheek-to-cheek twins" based on our favorite picture pose. She is a talented artist, extremely stylish, and has the most ridiculous laugh and sense of wit and humor!


Funmi and I have known each other all our lives (we're distant cousins!) but we truly became close during a mission trip to Nigeria in 2013. We then moved to Chicago for medical school, and lived together for a year during our last year. Funmi has loved and supported me in more ways than I can list, and is one of the most intellectual, adventurous, and giving people I know.


I met Funso at NANA camp, a summer camp we used to go to as kids. She intimidated me at first with all her New York energy haha but when I got to know her we became inseparable. We made a pact to go to college in the same area, and I’ll never forget the nights she spent sleeping over at my place with her feet in my face. She’s hilarious, an entrepreneur, and loves a good debate.


Ijeoma and I met during residency in Boston (whewww we made it out chileee) and she was my SAVING grace. I immediately loved her spirit, her honesty, and the fact that I could be myself around her without holding back! She holds so many secrets and ratchet stories loll. She loves to have a good time, and is also a prayer warrior.


I met Brittany during the summer before our freshman year at THE Howard University. We quickly became inseparable, got rooms in the same dorm, started an organization together, and lived together as roommates for the last two years of college. She is sweet, talented (singer-dancer-cook!) and loves a good laugh!


I met Ayana during medical school, and we were joint at the hip from day one. We pushed each other to succeed, studied together, partied together… we made a habit of accidentally matching to class. Ayana is that friend that is always happy for you and rooting for you, no matter what is going on in her life. A brilliant surgeon, hair-goals, and a turn-up queen!


Christina and I have been friends since highschool. We got even closer during our time at THE Howard University, where we started an organization together, became roommates, and were essentially together all the time. Christina is extremely giving, excellent at all things baking, knows something about EVERYTHING and loves to celebrate people.


LITERALLY met this girl in the street in California haha but she has been a ray of sunshine since the moment we met. Always singing, dancing, or switching to our Nigerian accents to make a point, Osose is an entire mood. We share a love for God, art, and world travel (and she’s one of the few people I know more well traveled than me!)